Dear Students,
Welcome to Impria Institute of Business & Management Technology. In this climate of great economic change and competition there is a need for a bang up to date knowledge which is accessible even to people who normally avoid the subject and knowledge which can really claim to be up to date must recognize and provide for the profound changes which are taking place in the way. Successful people have flexible minds and recognized attitudes for what they are, adapted to conditions they obsolete when times have changes, they don't doggedly hold on to attitudes developed to cope with the conditions of yesterday. They grasp the nettle that we have moved on into another phase, and new, more appropriate attitudes have to be formed or adopted attitudes are never right or wrong in absolute terms, only more or less appropriate.
Increasingly, management programs previously, provided by the state have acquired global importance, it requires to increase the management awareness in different field among the population, it is not only knowledge and skills which must be quickly learned.
Attitudes, too must change long standing institutional attitudes, appropriate for the candidates of the past must now be discarded faster and then they were acquired as the circumstances for which they were appropriate are disappearing over right. Consequently, this real meanings and rationale underlying the obsolete and the newly fasten emerging management values and arrangements. It is aimed at students and business people alike. In the knowledge and skill section it is designed to be comprehensive but user friendly as possible. So whether you works in a larger or small organization or still preparing for a future career, it is hoped that, this management program will set you think critically about such issues as accountability, efficiency, development and changes. We hope too, that it will help you play your part-as we all must-in constantly finding better ways of managing our social and business needs in the future.
The global techno-economic paradigm is changing at a pace that defies easy plotting. The Information Super Highway with Internet as its backbone is integrating the global economy and creating a Global Village. Connectivity and access to vast array of resources make the Internet an unprecedented opportunity and a powerful force driving the new Digital Economy. The digital economy implies fundamental changes in the way business is organized and conducted in every functional area. In the new context both educational processes and content, and business process are being simultaneously transformed by information and communication technologies. Closer integration of human intellectual capital and digital technological processes is creating new knowledge ecology for business education. Intensity of knowledge application in products and processes is creating new intelligent space that offers abundant opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship.
The emergence of new knowledge ecology of business education throws up new challenges for human resource development that must cater to the needs of a new mind extension era. The modern businesses co-evolve with an environment of ideas. Therefore, the knowledge ecology of business education at IIBMT is designed to facilitate unbounded exploration of business models, innovation and creativity. With the synergy of new technologies, knowledge and management tools innovative curriculum and learning process at IIBMT are designed to impact the entire working life of the learner. The objective of the knowledge ecosystem at IIBMT is to create and maintain learners as strategic human resources that are capable of continually creating competitive advantage for their companies, through knowledge application.