
IIBMT is duly registered under the Sec 58 “1” of 1932 of Govt. of Delhi, Registration No. and also is a registered society under the Societies Registration Act No. XXI of 1860 and is a non profit organization. Not the least, IIBMT is the one of the top institute which gets ISO 9001:2008 certifications through EQFS, which is fully accredited to Norway Accreditation Board shortly known as NAB and United Kingdom Accreditation Services shortly known as UKAS.

Impria Institute of Business & Management Technology’ certification is widely recognized and valid in India as well as valid in overseas worldwide.

Impria Institute of Business & Management Technology has been accredited by Norway Accreditation Board and United Kingdom Accreditation Services (UKAS) for quality education. This accreditation ensures the authenticity of valid certificate issued from IIBMT. Since 1995 NAB(E) has been actively involved in tertiary levels of quality assurance for further education programmes.

In NAB, the accreditation activity will ensure that the totality of training provision is appropriate for the intended or target trainee and their employers where appropriate. This is achieved via the provision of quality assurance measures designed to ensure that the training requirement or input, matches the training and educational material, or output. In addition, NAB(E) accreditation will ensure that the training provider has addressed those essential ancillary and logistical support activities, including essential Health & Safety requirements as well as the academic and administrative support, that results in the correct delivery and assimilation by students of the training and educational material.